mercury oils

Neat or Pure Metalworking Fluids

Mercury has an extensive range of neat metal working oils utilizing the very latest additive technology leading to increased efficiency, improved surface finishing and reduced consumption.


Td Oil Rvn no : 1

Tube drawing oil

Td Oil is a neat oil specially formulated for tube drawing and forming applications of copper, bronze  and aluminium. Product has very good lubricity and does not leave residues after annealing treatments.
Td Oil offers great friction reducing characteristics and exceptional bright annealing properties. Using selected additives and boundary  lubricant achieves an excellent  tube  surface finish, and longer life of dies.


Appearance Oily yellowish liquid
Density @ 20 °C, g/cm³ 0.89
Viscosity @ 40 °C, cSt 31
Flash point, °C >190
Pour point, °C <-28
Copper corrosion 1a


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