mercury oils

Neat or Pure Metalworking Fluids

Mercury has an extensive range of neat metal working oils utilizing the very latest additive technology leading to increased efficiency, improved surface finishing and reduced consumption.


Neatcut 46 Rvn no : 1

Machining neat cutting oil
Neatcut 46 has been formulated from selected paraffinic base oils fortified with special stable additives.
Neatcut 46 is a non-active cutting oil that maximizes performance over the wide range of pressures and temperatures encountered when machining under difficult conditions. It does not contain chlorine or heavy metals.
Neatcut 46 is designed for machining applications where a high quality surface is required.
It is suitable for all ferrous and non- ferrous metals (all grades of steel,brass, copper, bronze and aluminium) in operations as turning, boring, tapping, milling, broaching and screw cutting.
It can be also used in machine tool lubrication and as a hydraulic ISO 46.

  • Good flushing, cooling and lubricating properties
  • Improved tool life and surface finish
  • Transparent and non-active oil
  • Improved productivity
  • Longer tool life
  Neatcut 46
Color Clear amber-yellow
Density at 20°C, g/ml 0.87
Viscosity @ 40 °C, cSt 46
Steel Corrosion None
Flash point, °C >190
Pour point, °C <-8


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