mercury oils

Neat or Pure Metalworking Fluids

Mercury has an extensive range of neat metal working oils utilizing the very latest additive technology leading to increased efficiency, improved surface finishing and reduced consumption.


Biocut A Rvn no : 1

Fully synthetic neat cutting oil


Biocut A is a synthetic oil of high chemical stability and good oxidation resistance. It is recommended for metal machining operations where performance is required and does not contain chlorine compounds and due to its nature Biocut A is readily biodegradable.


  • Good flushing, cooling and lubricating properties
  • High productivity
  • Improved tool life and surface finish
  • Anti-wear performance
  • Biodegradable
  • Low volatility

Biocut A is suitable for use in all type of materials as steel, copper, brass, bronze and aluminum. Suitable for machining operations such as turning, drawing, grinding, sharpening and tapping.

Colour Clear amber
Viscosity @ 40 ºC, cSt 12
Viscosity index 150
Density @ 20 ºC, gr/ml 0.91
Flash point, ºC 200
Pour point, ºC -10


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